SBOE Committees
The State Board of Education has three primary committees with the following responsibilities:
Committee on Instruction
Members of the Committee on Instruction are:
- Chair Audrey Young
- Vice Chair Evelyn Brooks
- Rebecca Bell-Metereau
- Pam Little
- Gustavo Reveles
Committee Responsibilities include:
1. Establishment of curriculum and graduation requirements
2. Curriculum implementation (including credit by examination, Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program,
and procedures concerning dyslexia and related disorders)
3. Student assessment program implementation
4. General education
5. Education of individuals with disabilities
6. Gifted and talented education
7. Adult education
8. Library standards
9. Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired/Texas School for the Deaf
Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund
Members of the Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund are:
- Chair Tom Maynard
- Vice Chair Marisa B. Perez-Diaz
- Keven Ellis
- Will Hickman
- Aaron Kinsey
Committee Responsibilities include:
1. Budgeting, reporting, and regulation
2. Contract and grant approval
3. Instructional materials financing and operations
4. Community education funding
5. Oversight of the Bond Guarantee Program, including coordination with the TEA and the
Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation (Texas PSF)
6. Oversight of the Texas PSF, including receipt of required reports.
7. Review of nominations for gubernatorial appointments: Teacher Retirement System, School Land Board
Committee on School Initiatives
Members of the Committee on School Initiatives are:
- Chair LJ Francis
- Vice Chair Julie Pickren
- Staci Childs
- Tiffany Clark
- Brandon Hall
Committee Responsibilities include:
1. Long-range plans required by statute
2. Educational technology and telecommunications
3. Updates regarding open-enrollment application cycles and procedures
4. School safety and items pertaining to the Texas School Safety Center and recommendations
from the chief of school safety and security
5. State Board for Educator Certification rules review
6. School board member training policy
7. Hearing examiners
8. Military reservation and special purpose school districts
9. Extracurricular activities
10. Home-rule school district probation and revocation
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