Committee on Instruction Item 5
Discussion of Proposed Repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 130, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education, and Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education
September 11, 2024
SUMMARY: This item provides an opportunity for the board to discuss the proposed repeal of 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 130, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education, and proposed revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 127, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career Development and Career and Technical Education. The proposed rule actions would repeal career and technical education (CTE) Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in 19 TAC Chapter 130 and would move the TEKS to 19 TAC Chapter 127 in order to ensure that all CTE TEKS are in the same chapter in administrative rule. The proposed rule action would also move some existing courses within 19 TAC Chapter 127 in order to avoid confusion and make the TEKS easier to locate.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Education Code (TEC), §7.102(c)(4) and §28.002(a) and (c).
TEC, §7.102(c)(4), requires the State Board of Education (SBOE) to establish curriculum and graduation requirements.
TEC, §28.002(a), identifies the subjects of the required curriculum.
TEC, §28.002(c), requires the SBOE to identify by rule the essential knowledge and skills of each subject in the required curriculum that all students should be able to demonstrate and that will be used in evaluating instructional materials and addressed on the state assessment instruments.
The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.
PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: The SBOE adopted the TEKS for CTE effective September 1, 1998. The SBOE approved revisions to the CTE TEKS in Chapter 127 and new Chapter 130, Subchapters A-P, effective August 23, 2010. In 2015, the CTE TEKS were amended effective August 28, 2017. In 2018, the SBOE adopted revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 130, Subchapters B, H, M, and O, effective March 27, 2018. In 2020, the SBOE approved revisions to the CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 130, Subchapters A, C, K, O, and Q, effective August 1, 2020.
At the November 2021 meeting, the board approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters G, I, J, M, and O, effective April 26, 2022. At the January 2022 SBOE meeting, the board approved the repeal of CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 130, Subchapters E, G, H, I, L, and O, and new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters G, I, J, M, and O, effective April 7, 2022. The board approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters G and O, at the April 2022 meeting, effective June 14, 2022. At the June 2022 meeting, the board approved the repeal of CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters G, I, and O, and Chapter 130, Subchapter J, effective August 1, 2022, and approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapter O, effective August 7, 2022. At the June 2023 meeting, the board approved the repeal of CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters I, M, and O, effective August 1, 2023. The board approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters B and F, at the November 2023 meeting, effective February 13, 2024. At the April 2024 meeting, the board approved for second reading and final adoption new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapters C, O, and P. The board approved the repeal of CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127, Subchapter B, G, I, J, and O, and Chapter 130, Subchapter J and N, at the June 2024 meeting, effective August 1, 2024.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: In accordance with statutory requirements that the SBOE identify by rule the essential knowledge and skills of each subject in the required curriculum, the SBOE follows a board-approved cycle to review and revise the essential knowledge and skills for each subject.
The TEKS for courses associated with 14 CTE career clusters are codified by subchapter in 19 TAC Chapters 127 and 130. In December 2020, the SBOE began initial steps to prepare for the review and revision of CTE courses in programs of study for the education and training; health science; and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics career clusters. Two additional courses eligible to satisfy a graduation requirement in science were also part of the review. The board approved for second reading and final adoption new TEKS for these courses in November 2021 and January, April, and June 2022.
At the November 2023 SBOE meeting, the board approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127 for courses in career preparation and entrepreneurship, which became effective February 13, 2024, and will be implemented beginning in the 2024-2025 school year. At the April 2024 meeting, the board approved new CTE TEKS in 19 TAC Chapter 127 for courses in agribusiness, animal science, plant science, aviation maintenance, and engineering that will be implemented beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.
Due to the current structure of Chapter 130, there are not enough sections to add new CTE courses under consideration in their assigned subchapters. To accommodate the addition of new and future courses, the board began the process of moving the CTE TEKS from Chapter 130 to Chapter 127 in order to keep all the TEKS together in administrative rule and avoid confusion. Current subchapters in 19 TAC Chapter 127 will be assigned new subchapters in 19 TAC Chapter 127. The related implementation sections will be repealed and will not be moved to 19 TAC Chapter 127 or to new subchapters in 19 TAC Chapter 127. Related implementation information will instead be added to an implementation section in the TEKS. No other changes are being proposed to the existing CTE courses as part of the move to Chapter 127.
Staff Member Responsible:
Monica Martinez, Associate Commissioner, Standards and Programs