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Employers for Education Excellence

Employers for Education Excellence logo

The Employers for Education Excellence (EEE) award was established in 2007 by the Texas Legislature. Its purpose is to recognize Texas employers that encourage and support employees who actively participate in school activities and promote volunteerism in the public schools.

The State Board of Education (SBOE) will select employers that meet the criteria for bronze, silver, or gold levels of recognition. The employer selected for an award will receive a certificate that includes their level of recognition. Certificates will be mailed to each awardee and the recognition is valid for three years.

Any Texas employer is eligible to win the award, including private companies, nonprofit organizations, and state, local, federal, and educational entities.

Three Levels of Recognition

Employers are eligible to receive one of three levels: Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award. Eligibility for recognition is based upon the business meeting the following criteria for any of the three levels:


Bronze-level award recognizes an employer that implements a policy to encourage and support employees who attend parent-teacher conferences during regular work hours.

  • Has a policy or procedure that allows employees to attend parent-teacher conferences during regular work hours.
  • Maintains records that show evidence that employees attended parent-teacher conferences, or provides a signed letter from the human resources director or president/chief executive officer confirming that employees may attend parent-teacher conferences during business hours.


Silver-level award recognizes an employer that meets the requirements of bronze, and implements a policy to encourage and support employees who volunteer in school activities.

  • Has a policy or procedure which tracks employees' volunteer hours. Maintains records that show evidence that employees attended parent-teacher conferences or took part in school volunteer activities, or provides a signed letter from a supervisor confirming this participation.
  • At least 1% of the employer's workforce with school-age children attends parent-teacher conferences or takes part in volunteer activities on an annual basis.


Gold-level award recognizes an employer that meets the requirements of silver, and implements a policy to encourage and support employees who participate in student mentoring programs in schools.

  • Has a policy or procedure that allows employees with school-age children to attend parent-teacher conferences, take part in school activities, or participate in student mentoring activities during regular work hours.
  • Establishes a mentoring program in partnership with a local school or district for employees to meet and mentor students with the goal of promoting academic success and social interaction. Structured mentoring activities may include traditional one-to-one, group, team, or online mentoring and should be built around regular, frequent contact.
  • Has a designated employee who oversees internal coordination of the mentoring program. Has a policy or some procedure which tracks employees' volunteer hours and mentoring activities.
  • Maintains records that show evidence that employees attended parent-teacher conferences, took part in school volunteer activities , or participated in student mentoring activities, or provide a signed letter from a supervisor confirming the participation.
  • At least 1% of the employer's workforce participates in mentoring activities for a minimum of one year (or school year) commitment.


Nominations are accepted each year. The commissioner of education or his designee reviews the nominations and makes recommendations for the award recipients. The recommendations are reviewed by the chair of the State Board of Education.

To nominate an employer, completely fill out the Employers for Education Excellence application form. Include the level of recognition (bronze, silver, or gold) that best fits the employer's qualifications based on the criteria mentioned above.

Application for next year's award is on-going. To submit, please use the link for the application form above. Recipients of this award are notified as the information becomes available. They are being recognized with a plaque and a resolution during a State Board of Education meeting in Austin, TX in January or in April. Winners need not be present to receive the award but are encouraged to come. If unable to attend, the plaque and resolution are mailed directly to the employers or to their partner school or district.

HDR, Inc. of Dallas, TX Earns 2023 Employers for Education Excellence Gold Award

2023 EEE Awardee

Mr. George Cisneros, Senior Project Manager of HDR, Inc., Dallas, TX and Ms. Yvonne Rojas, Principal at Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School

The State Board of Education (SBOE) recognized HDR, Inc. of Dallas, Texas, as the lone recipient of the 2023 Employers for Education Excellence Award for its passionate volunteerism and unwavering support to students and staff at Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School in Dallas Independent School District. Aside from the plaque, the company received a copy of the resolution that was read in its honor.

The award, created by the Texas Legislature in 2007, recognizes Texas employers that encourage and support employees who actively participate in school activities and promote volunteerism in Texas public schools.

During the school year 2022-2023, HDR, Inc. provided students the opportunity to engage in discussions about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and the opportunity to give presentations regarding careers in STEM related fields. In Spring 2023, employees of HDR, Inc. of Dallas presented students with the hands-on experience of working on a real life client project that fostered collaboration among the students and authentic mentorship from professionals in the industry. The employees of HDR, Inc. of Dallas provided over 200 hours of volunteer services to students; offered intern positions to two students through their internship program, and mentored senior students every third Thursday of each month by providing guidance on the college admissions processes.

The SBOE urges Texas businesses to look upon HDR, Inc. of Dallas, TX as a role model for civic engagement.

    Past Recipients of the Employers for Education Excellence Award

    Contact Information

    State Board of Education Support Division
     Phone: (512) 463-9007