June 2021 Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund Item 5
Ratification of the Purchases and Sales of the Investment Portfolio of the Permanent School Fund for the Months of March and April 2021
June 25, 2021
SUMMARY: This item provides an opportunity for the committee and board to consider approval of the purchases and sales of investments executed in the portfolio of the Permanent School Fund (PSF) for the months of March and April 2021.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5, and 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 33.
The Texas Constitution, Article VII, §2 and §5 establish the permanent school fund, the assets that comprise the permanent school fund, the bond guarantee program, the available school fund, and authorize the State Board of Education (SBOE) to manage and invest the permanent school fund in accordance with the prudent person standard.
19 TAC Chapter 33 codifies administrative rules that provide a statement of investment objectives, policies, and guidelines of the Texas Permanent School Fund and Bond Guarantee Program as adopted by the SBOE.
The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.
PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION: At the April 2021 meeting, the board approved purchases in the amount of $1,807,953,391 and sales in the amount of $1,851,830,304 conducted in the investment portfolio of the PSF for the months of December 2020, January 2021, and February 2021.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION: The purchases and sales of the investment portfolio are reviewed by the staff to ensure compliance with the Investment Guidelines, Policies, and Objectives of the PSF. The specific amounts of the purchases and sales for the reporting period will be recommended to the board for ratification upon approval by the Committee on School Finance/Permanent School Fund.
Staff Member Responsible:
Holland Timmins, Executive Administrator and Chief Investment Officer, Texas Permanent School Fund