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September 2, 2020 Committee on School Initiatives Item 4

Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations Related to Trustee Team Building Training

September 2, 2020


SUMMARY:  The State Board of Education (SBOE) chair appointed an ad hoc committee on trustee team building training to review the SBOE’s Framework for School Board Development, the current requirements for team building training for local boards of trustees, and the prescribed qualifications for trainers that provide the team building training. This item provides an opportunity to discuss the recommendations and proposed amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter A, Board of Trustees Relationship, §61.1, Continuing Education for School Board Members.

STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.159.

The full text of statutory citations can be found in the statutory authority section of this agenda.

PREVIOUS BOARD ACTION:  The SBOE chair appointed an ad hoc committee of SBOE members to study Framework for School Board Development, the current requirements for team building training for local boards of trustees, and qualifications for trainers that provide the team building training. The members of the ad hoc committee are Barbara Cargill, chair; Donna Bahorich, Ruben Cortez, Jr.,
Marisa B. Perez-Diaz, and Matt Robinson.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND JUSTIFICATION:  The School Board Member Training—Framework for School Board Development was adopted in 1996 to establish a structure for district leadership teams as a corporate body and as individuals, to gain an understanding of the vision, structure, accountability, advocacy, and unity needed to provide educational programs and services that promote equity and excellence in performance of all students. The framework was amended in 2012. The framework supports the training requirements adopted by the SBOE in 19 TAC §61.1. The committee will share its findings and recommendations at the September 2020 meeting.

MOTION TO BE CONSIDERED: The State Board of Education:

Adopt recommendations proposed by the board’s ad hoc committee.

Staff Members Responsible:
Jeff Cottrill, Deputy Commissioner, Governance and Accountability
Morris Lyon, Senior Governance Advisor, Governance

Recommended revisions to School Board Member Training—Framework for School Board Development